{ "version": 3, "sourceRoot": "Source", "sources": ["WebSharper.Collections/ExtraTopLevelOperators.fs", "WebSharper.Collections/BalancedTree.fs", "WebSharper.Collections/Pair.fs", "WebSharper.Collections/Map.fs", "WebSharper.Collections/MapModule.fs", "WebSharper.Collections/Set.fs", "WebSharper.Collections/SetModule.fs", "WebSharper.Collections/ResizeArray.fs", "WebSharper.Collections/LinkedList.fs", "WebSharper.Collections/Linq.fs", "WebSharper.Collections/Query.fs"], "sourcesContent": ["// $begin{copyright}\n//\n// This file is part of WebSharper\n//\n// Copyright (c) 2008-2018 IntelliFactory\n//\n// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\"); you\n// may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may\n// obtain a copy of the License at\n//\n// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n//\n// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n// distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or\n// implied. See the License for the specific language governing\n// permissions and limitations under the License.\n//\n// $end{copyright}\n\n[]\nmodule private WebSharper.Collections.ExtraTopLevelOperatorsProxy\n\nopen WebSharper\n\nopen System.Collections.Generic\n\n[]\nlet private MakeDict (s : seq<('K * 'V)>) =\n let d = Dictionary()\n for a, b in s do\n d.Add(a, b)\n d\n\n[]\nlet CreateDictionary (s : seq<('K * 'V)>) : IDictionary<'K, 'V> =\n MakeDict s \n\n[]\nlet CreateReadOnlyDictionary (s : seq<('K * 'V)>) : IReadOnlyDictionary<'K, 'V> =\n MakeDict s\n\n[]\nlet CreateSet (s : seq<('T)>) : Set<'T> =\n Set s \n", "// $begin{copyright}\n//\n// This file is part of WebSharper\n//\n// Copyright (c) 2008-2018 IntelliFactory\n//\n// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\"); you\n// may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may\n// obtain a copy of the License at\n//\n// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n//\n// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n// distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or\n// implied. See the License for the specific language governing\n// permissions and limitations under the License.\n//\n// $end{copyright}\n\nnamespace WebSharper.Collections\n\nopen WebSharper\nopen WebSharper.JavaScript\nopen System.Collections.Generic\n\n/// Provides balanced binary search tree operations.\n[]\nmodule internal BalancedTree =\n\n /// Represents a binary balanced search tree, preserving the balance\n /// invariant: the heights of the branches differ by at most 1.\n type Tree<'T when 'T : comparison> =\n private {\n Node : 'T\n Left : Tree<'T>\n Right : Tree<'T>\n Height : int\n Count : int\n }\n\n []\n let Empty<'T when 'T : comparison> = X>\n\n []\n let IsEmpty (tree: Tree<'T>) = X\n\n []\n let Height (tree: Tree<'T>) = X\n \n []\n let Count (tree: Tree<'T>) = X\n\n []\n let Left (t: Tree<'T>) = X>\n\n []\n let Right (t: Tree<'T>) = X>\n\n []\n let Node (t: Tree<'T>) = X<'T>\n\n let Branch node left right =\n {\n Node = node\n Left = left\n Right = right\n Height = 1 + max (Height left) (Height right)\n Count = 1 + Count left + Count right\n }\n\n let Enumerate flip (t: Tree<'T>) : seq<'T> =\n let rec gen (t, spine: list<'T * Tree<'T>>) =\n if IsEmpty t then\n match spine with\n | [] -> None\n | (t, other) :: spine -> Some (t, (other, spine))\n else\n if flip\n then gen (Right t, (Node t, Left t) :: spine)\n else gen (Left t, (Node t, Right t) :: spine)\n Seq.unfold gen (t, [])\n\n /// Traverses the tree in ascending order.\n []\n let Ascend t = Enumerate false t\n\n /// Traverses the tree in descending order.\n []\n let Descend t = Enumerate true t\n\n /// Builds a tree from sorted input and the indices of the\n /// first and the last elements to include.\n let rec private Build (data: 'T []) min max : Tree<'T> =\n let sz = max - min + 1\n if sz <= 0 then\n Empty\n else\n let center = (min + max) / 2\n let left = Build data min (center - 1)\n let right = Build data (center + 1) max\n Branch data.[center] left right\n\n /// Quickly constructs a tree from a sorted, distinct array.\n []\n let OfSorted (data: 'T []) : Tree<'T> =\n Build data 0 (Array.length data - 1)\n\n let OfSeq (data: seq<'T>) : Tree<'T> =\n let a = Seq.toArray (Seq.distinct data)\n Array.sortInPlace a\n OfSorted a\n\n []\n let private unshift (x: 'T) y = X\n\n /// Unzips a tree into a matching node and a spine.\n let Lookup (k: 'T) (t: Tree<'T>) =\n let mutable spine = [||]\n let mutable t = t\n let mutable loop = true\n while loop do\n if IsEmpty t then loop <- false else\n match compare k t.Node with\n | 0 -> loop <- false\n | 1 ->\n unshift spine (true, t.Node, t.Left)\n t <- t.Right\n | _ ->\n unshift spine (false, t.Node, t.Right)\n t <- t.Left\n (t, spine)\n\n /// Rebuilds an unzipped tree by going up the spine and performing\n /// rotations where necessary for balance.\n let private Rebuild<'T when 'T : comparison>\n (spine: (bool * 'T * Tree<'T>) []) (t: Tree<'T>) : Tree<'T> =\n let h (x: Tree<'T>) = Height x\n let mutable t = t\n for i = 0 to spine.Length - 1 do\n t <- (\n match spine.[i] with\n | false, x, r ->\n if h t > h r + 1 then\n if h t.Right = h t.Left + 1 then\n // Double rotation:\n let m = t.Right\n Branch m.Node\n (Branch t.Node t.Left m.Left)\n (Branch x m.Right r)\n else\n // Single rotation:\n Branch t.Node\n t.Left\n (Branch x t.Right r)\n else\n // No rotation:\n Branch x t r\n | true, x, l ->\n if h t > h l + 1 then\n if h t.Left = h t.Right + 1 then\n // Double rotation:\n let m = t.Left\n Branch m.Node\n (Branch x l m.Left)\n (Branch t.Node m.Right t.Right)\n else\n // Single rotation:\n Branch t.Node\n (Branch x l t.Left)\n t.Right\n else\n // No rotation:\n Branch x l t\n )\n t\n\n /// Inserts or updates a node in the tree. If a matching node is found,\n /// it is replaced with the value of \"combine old new\".\n let Put<'T when 'T : comparison> combine k (t: Tree<'T>) : Tree<'T> =\n let (t, spine) = Lookup k t\n if IsEmpty t then\n Rebuild spine (Branch k Empty Empty)\n else\n Rebuild spine (Branch (combine t.Node k) t.Left t.Right)\n\n /// Removes a node from the tree.\n let Remove k (src: Tree<'T>) =\n let (t, spine) = Lookup k src\n if IsEmpty t then\n src\n else\n if IsEmpty t.Right then\n Rebuild spine t.Left\n elif IsEmpty t.Left then\n Rebuild spine t.Right\n else\n Seq.append (Ascend t.Left) (Ascend t.Right)\n |> Seq.toArray\n |> OfSorted\n |> Rebuild spine\n\n /// Adds a node into the tree, replacing an existing one if found.\n let Add<'T when 'T : comparison> (x: 'T) (t: Tree<'T>) : Tree<'T> =\n Put (fun _ x -> x) x t\n\n /// Changes a node into the tree, replacing or removing existing one if found.\n let Change<'T when 'T : comparison> (k: 'T) (f: 'T option -> 'T option) (ot: Tree<'T>) : Tree<'T> =\n let (t, spine) = Lookup k ot\n if IsEmpty t then\n match f None with\n | Some x ->\n Rebuild spine (Branch x Empty Empty)\n | None ->\n ot\n else\n match f (Some t.Node) with\n | Some x ->\n Rebuild spine (Branch x t.Left t.Right)\n | None ->\n if IsEmpty t.Right then\n Rebuild spine t.Left\n elif IsEmpty t.Left then\n Rebuild spine t.Right\n else\n Seq.append (Ascend t.Left) (Ascend t.Right)\n |> Seq.toArray\n |> OfSorted\n |> Rebuild spine\n\n /// Checks if a tree contains a given key.\n let rec Contains (v: 'T) (t: Tree<'T>) : bool =\n not (IsEmpty (fst (Lookup v t)))\n\n /// Looks up a node by key.\n let TryFind (v: 'T) (t: Tree<'T>) =\n let x = fst (Lookup v t)\n if IsEmpty x then None else Some x.Node\n\n /// Looks up minimum value.\n let Min (t: Tree<'T>) : 'T =\n if IsEmpty t then\n raise (KeyNotFoundException())\n else\n let rec m t =\n if IsEmpty t.Left then\n t.Node\n else\n m t.Left\n m t\n\n /// Looks up maximum value.\n let Max (t: Tree<'T>) : 'T =\n if IsEmpty t then\n raise (KeyNotFoundException())\n else\n let rec m t =\n if IsEmpty t.Right then\n t.Node\n else\n m t.Right\n m t\n\n\n\n\n", "// $begin{copyright}\n//\n// This file is part of WebSharper\n//\n// Copyright (c) 2008-2018 IntelliFactory\n//\n// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\"); you\n// may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may\n// obtain a copy of the License at\n//\n// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n//\n// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n// distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or\n// implied. See the License for the specific language governing\n// permissions and limitations under the License.\n//\n// $end{copyright}\n\nnamespace WebSharper.Collections\n\nopen WebSharper\n\n/// Represents a key-value pair with comparison and equality\n/// ignoring the value and using only the key.\n[]\n[]\n[]\ntype internal Pair<'K,'V when 'K : comparison> =\n {\n Key : 'K\n Value : 'V\n }\n\n override this.GetHashCode() = hash this.Key\n\n override this.Equals(other: obj) =\n this.Key = (other :?> Pair<'K,'V>).Key\n\n interface System.IComparable with\n member this.CompareTo(other: obj) =\n compare this.Key (other :?> Pair<'K,'V>).Key\n", "// $begin{copyright}\n//\n// This file is part of WebSharper\n//\n// Copyright (c) 2008-2018 IntelliFactory\n//\n// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\"); you\n// may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may\n// obtain a copy of the License at\n//\n// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n//\n// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n// distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or\n// implied. See the License for the specific language governing\n// permissions and limitations under the License.\n//\n// $end{copyright}\n\nnamespace WebSharper.Collections\n\nopen System.Collections\nopen System.Collections.Generic\nopen WebSharper\nopen WebSharper.JavaScript\nopen WebSharper.Collections\nmodule T = BalancedTree\n\n[]\n[]\nmodule private MapUtil =\n\n let fromSeq(s: seq<_>) =\n let a : Pair<_,_> [] =\n s\n |> Seq.rev\n |> Seq.distinctBy fst\n |> Seq.map (fun (k, v) ->\n { Key = k; Value = v }\n )\n |> Array.ofSeq\n Array.sortInPlace a\n T.OfSorted a\n\n/// Implements a proxy for the F# Map type.\n[]\n[>)>]\ntype internal FSharpMap<'K,'V when 'K : comparison>\n\n (tree: T.Tree>) =\n\n new (s: seq<_>) = new FSharpMap<_,_>(fromSeq s)\n\n member this.Tree = tree\n\n member this.Add(k: 'K, v: 'V) : Map<'K,'V> =\n As (FSharpMap<'K,'V>(tree |> T.Add {Key=k; Value=v}))\n\n member this.Change(k: 'K, f: 'V option -> 'V option) : Map<'K,'V> =\n As (FSharpMap<'K,'V>(tree |> T.Change {Key=k; Value=JS.Undefined} (fun x -> f (x |> Option.map (fun p -> p.Value)) |> Option.map (fun v -> {Key=k; Value=v}))))\n\n member this.ContainsKey k = \n tree |> T.Contains {Key=k; Value = JS.Undefined}\n\n member this.TryGetValue (k: 'K, r: byref<'V>) = \n match this.TryFind k with\n | Some v ->\n r <- v\n true\n | _ ->\n false\n\n []\n member this.Count = T.Count tree\n\n member this.IsEmpty = T.IsEmpty tree\n\n member this.Item \n with get (k: 'K) : 'V =\n match this.TryFind k with\n | Some v ->v\n | None ->\n raise (KeyNotFoundException())\n\n member this.Remove(k: 'K) : Map<'K,'V> =\n As (FSharpMap(tree |> T.Remove {Key=k; Value=JS.Undefined}))\n\n member this.TryFind(k: 'K) =\n tree\n |> T.TryFind {Key=k; Value=JS.Undefined}\n |> Option.map (fun kv -> kv.Value)\n\n []\n member this.GetEnumerator() =\n let s =\n T.Ascend tree\n |> Seq.map (fun kv ->\n new KeyValuePair<_,_>(kv.Key, kv.Value))\n s.GetEnumerator()\n\n override this.GetHashCode() =\n hash (Seq.toArray this)\n\n override this.Equals(other) =\n let other = As> other\n this.Count = other.Count\n && Seq.forall2 ( = ) this other\n\n interface System.IComparable with\n member this.CompareTo other =\n Seq.compareWith (fun x y ->\n compare (As> x) (As> y))\n this\n (As> other)\n\n interface IEnumerable with\n []\n member this.GetEnumerator() = X<_>\n\n interface IEnumerable> with\n []\n member this.GetEnumerator() = X<_>\n\n member this.Keys : System.Collections.Generic.ICollection<'K> =\n Seq.map (fun kvp -> kvp.Key) (T.Ascend this.Tree)\n |> ResizeArray\n :> _\n\n member this.Values : System.Collections.Generic.ICollection<'V> =\n Seq.map (fun kvp -> kvp.Value) (T.Ascend this.Tree)\n |> ResizeArray\n :> _\n\n interface ICollection> with\n member this.IsReadOnly = true\n []\n member this.Count = X \n member this.Add(p) = failwith \"Map values cannot be mutated.\"\n member this.Clear() = failwith \"Map values cannot be mutated.\"\n member this.Contains(p) =\n let mutable v = JS.Undefined\n if this.TryGetValue(p.Key, &v) then Unchecked.equals v p.Value else false \n member this.CopyTo(arr: KeyValuePair<'K,'V>[], index: int) =\n (Seq.toArray this).CopyTo(arr, index)\n member this.Remove(p) = failwith \"Map values cannot be mutated.\"\n", "// $begin{copyright}\n//\n// This file is part of WebSharper\n//\n// Copyright (c) 2008-2018 IntelliFactory\n//\n// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\"); you\n// may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may\n// obtain a copy of the License at\n//\n// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n//\n// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n// distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or\n// implied. See the License for the specific language governing\n// permissions and limitations under the License.\n//\n// $end{copyright}\n\nnamespace WebSharper.Collections\n\nopen WebSharper\nopen WebSharper.JavaScript\n\n/// Implements a proxy for the F# Map module.\n[]\n[]\nmodule internal MapModule =\n module T = BalancedTree\n\n []\n let private ToTree (m: Map<'K,'V>) =\n (As> m).Tree\n\n []\n let private OfTree (t: T.Tree<_>) : Map<'K,'V> =\n As (new FSharpMap<'K,'V>(t))\n\n []\n let Add k v (m: Map<'K,'V>) : Map<'K,'V> = m.Add(k, v)\n\n []\n let Change k f (m: Map<'K,'V>) : Map<'K,'V> = m.Change(k, f)\n\n []\n let ContainsKey k (m: Map<'K,'V>) : bool = m.ContainsKey k\n\n []\n let Empty<'K,'V when 'K : comparison> : Map<'K,'V> = new Map<_,_>([||])\n\n let Exists (f: 'K -> 'V -> bool) (m: Map<'K,'V>) : bool =\n m |> Seq.exists (fun kv -> f kv.Key kv.Value)\n\n let Filter (f: 'K -> 'V -> bool) (m: Map<'K,'V>) : Map<'K,'V> =\n T.Ascend (ToTree m)\n |> Seq.filter (fun kv -> f kv.Key kv.Value)\n |> Seq.toArray\n |> T.OfSorted\n |> OfTree\n\n []\n let Find (k: 'K) (m: Map<'K,'V>) : 'V = m.[k]\n\n let FindKey (f: 'K -> 'T -> bool) (m: Map<'K,'T>) : 'K =\n m \n |> Seq.pick (fun kv -> \n if f kv.Key kv.Value then Some kv.Key else None)\n\n let rec Fold<'K,'V,'S when 'K : comparison>\n (f: 'S -> 'K -> 'V -> 'S) (s: 'S) (m: Map<'K,'V>) : 'S =\n T.Ascend (ToTree m)\n |> Seq.fold (fun s kv -> f s kv.Key kv.Value) s\n\n let rec FoldBack (f: 'K -> 'V -> 'S -> 'S) (m: Map<'K,'V>) (s: 'S) : 'S =\n T.Descend (ToTree m)\n |> Seq.fold (fun s kv -> f kv.Key kv.Value s) s\n\n let rec ForAll (f: 'K -> 'V -> bool) (m: Map<'K, 'V>) : bool =\n m |> Seq.forall (fun kv -> f kv.Key kv.Value)\n\n []\n let IsEmpty (m: Map<'K, 'V>) : bool = m.IsEmpty\n\n let rec Iterate (f: 'K -> 'V -> unit) (m: Map<'K, 'V>) : unit =\n m |> Seq.iter (fun kv -> f kv.Key kv.Value)\n\n let OfArray (a: ('K * 'V) []) : Map<'K,'V> =\n a\n |> Seq.map (fun (k, v) -> {Key = k; Value = v} : Pair<_,_>)\n |> T.OfSeq\n |> OfTree\n\n []\n let OfList (kvs: list<'K * 'V>) : Map<'K,'V> = Map.ofSeq kvs\n\n []\n let OfSeq (s: seq<'K * 'V>) : Map<'K, 'V> =\n Map.ofArray (Seq.toArray s)\n\n let Partition (f: 'K -> 'V -> bool) (m: Map<'K,'V>) : Map<'K,'V> * Map<'K,'V> =\n let (x, y) =\n Seq.toArray (T.Ascend (ToTree m))\n |> Array.partition (fun kv -> f kv.Key kv.Value)\n (OfTree (T.OfSorted x), OfTree (T.OfSorted y))\n\n let Pick (f: 'K -> 'V -> option<'T>) (m: Map<'K, 'V>) : 'T =\n m |> Seq.pick (fun kv -> f kv.Key kv.Value)\n\n []\n let Remove (k: 'K) (m: Map<'K, 'V>) : Map<'K, 'V> = m.Remove k\n\n []\n let ToArray (m: Map<'K, 'V>) : array<'K * 'V> = Seq.toArray (Map.toSeq m)\n\n []\n let ToList (m: Map<'K, 'V>) : list<'K * 'V> = Seq.toList (Map.toSeq m)\n\n let ToSeq (m: Map<'K, 'V>) : seq<'K * 'V> =\n T.Ascend (ToTree m)\n |> Seq.map (fun kv -> (kv.Key, kv.Value))\n\n []\n let TryFind (k: 'K) (m: Map<'K, 'V>) : option<'V> = m.TryFind k\n\n let TryFindKey (f: 'K -> 'V -> bool) (m: Map<'K,'V>) : option<'K> =\n m |> Seq.tryPick (fun kv ->\n if f kv.Key kv.Value then Some kv.Key else None)\n\n let rec TryPick (f: 'K -> 'V -> option<'T>) (m: Map<'K, 'V>) : option<'T> =\n m |> Seq.tryPick (fun kv -> f kv.Key kv.Value)\n \n let rec Map (f: 'K -> 'V -> 'T) (m: Map<'K,'V>) : Map<'K,'T> =\n T.Ascend (ToTree m)\n |> Seq.map (fun kv -> \n {Key = kv.Key; Value = f kv.Key kv.Value} : Pair<_,_>)\n |> T.OfSeq\n |> OfTree\n\n []\n let Keys (m: Map<'K, 'V>) : System.Collections.Generic.ICollection<'K> = m.Keys\n\n []\n let Values (m: Map<'K, 'V>) : System.Collections.Generic.ICollection<'V> = m.Values\n\n let MinKeyValue (m: Map<'K, 'V>) = \n let x = T.Min(ToTree m)\n x.Key, x.Value\n \n let MaxKeyValue (m: Map<'K, 'V>) = \n let x = T.Max(ToTree m)\n x.Key, x.Value", "// $begin{copyright}\n//\n// This file is part of WebSharper\n//\n// Copyright (c) 2008-2018 IntelliFactory\n//\n// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\"); you\n// may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may\n// obtain a copy of the License at\n//\n// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n//\n// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n// distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or\n// implied. See the License for the specific language governing\n// permissions and limitations under the License.\n//\n// $end{copyright}\n\nnamespace WebSharper.Collections\n\nopen System.Collections\nopen System.Collections.Generic\nopen WebSharper\nopen WebSharper.JavaScript\nmodule T = BalancedTree\n\n/// Implements a proxy for the F# Set type.\n[]\n[>)>]\ntype private FSharpSet<'T when 'T : comparison>\n\n internal (tree: T.Tree<'T>) =\n\n new (s: seq<'T>) = new FSharpSet<'T>(T.OfSeq s)\n\n member this.add(x: Set<'T>) =\n Set.union (As this) x\n\n member this.sub(x: Set<'T>) =\n Set.difference (As this) x\n\n member this.Add x : Set<'T> =\n As (FSharpSet<'T>(T.Add x tree))\n\n member this.Contains v = T.Contains v tree\n\n []\n member this.Count = T.Count tree\n\n member this.IsEmpty = T.IsEmpty tree\n\n member internal this.Tree = tree\n\n member this.IsProperSubsetOf(s: Set<'T>) =\n this.IsSubsetOf s && this.Count < s.Count\n\n member this.IsProperSupersetOf(s: Set<'T>) =\n this.IsSupersetOf s && this.Count > s.Count\n\n member this.IsSubsetOf(s: Set<'T>) =\n Seq.forall s.Contains this\n\n member this.IsSupersetOf(s: Set<'T>) =\n Seq.forall this.Contains s\n\n member this.MaximumElement = Seq.head (T.Descend tree)\n\n member this.MinimumElement = Seq.head (T.Ascend tree)\n\n member this.Remove v : Set<'T> =\n As (FSharpSet<'T>(T.Remove v tree))\n\n []\n member this.GetEnumerator() =\n (T.Ascend tree).GetEnumerator()\n\n static member (+) (x, y) : Set<'T> =\n Set.union x y \n\n static member (-) (x, y) : Set<'T> =\n Set.difference x y \n\n override this.GetHashCode() =\n -1741749453 + ((Seq.toArray this).GetHashCode())\n\n override this.Equals(other: obj) =\n this.Count = (As> other).Count\n && Seq.forall2 ( = ) this (As> other)\n\n interface IEnumerable with\n []\n member this.GetEnumerator() = X<_>\n\n interface IEnumerable<'T> with\n []\n member this.GetEnumerator() = X<_>\n\n interface System.IComparable with\n member this.CompareTo other =\n Seq.compareWith compare this (As> other)\n\n interface ICollection<'T> with\n member this.IsReadOnly = true\n []\n member this.Count = X \n member this.Add(p) = failwith \"Set values cannot be mutated.\"\n member this.Clear() = failwith \"Set values cannot be mutated.\"\n []\n member this.Contains(p) = X\n member this.CopyTo(arr: 'T[], index: int) =\n (Seq.toArray this).CopyTo(arr, index)\n member this.Remove(p) = failwith \"Set values cannot be mutated.\"\n", "// $begin{copyright}\n//\n// This file is part of WebSharper\n//\n// Copyright (c) 2008-2018 IntelliFactory\n//\n// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\"); you\n// may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may\n// obtain a copy of the License at\n//\n// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n//\n// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n// distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or\n// implied. See the License for the specific language governing\n// permissions and limitations under the License.\n//\n// $end{copyright}\n\nnamespace WebSharper.Collections\n\nopen WebSharper\nopen WebSharper.JavaScript\n\n/// Implements a proxy for the F# Set module.\n[]\n[]\nmodule internal SetModule =\n module T = BalancedTree\n\n []\n let private ToTree (s: Set<'T>) =\n (As> s).Tree\n\n []\n let private OfTree (t: T.Tree<'T>) =\n As> (new FSharpSet<'T>(t))\n\n []\n let Add v (s: Set<_>) = s.Add v\n\n []\n let Contains v (s: Set<_>) = s.Contains v\n\n []\n let Count (s: Set<_>) = s.Count\n\n []\n let Difference (s1: Set<_>) (s2: Set<_>) =\n Set.filter (fun x -> not (s2.Contains x)) s1\n\n []\n let Empty<'T when 'T : comparison> : Set<'T> = OfTree T.Empty\n\n []\n let Exists f (s: Set<'T>) = Seq.exists f s\n\n let Filter f (s: Set<'T>) =\n OfTree (T.OfSorted (Seq.toArray (Seq.filter f s)))\n\n []\n let Fold<'T,'S when 'T : comparison>\n (f: 'S -> 'T -> 'S) (x: 'S) (a: Set<'T>) =\n Seq.fold f x a\n\n let FoldBack (f: 'T -> 'S -> 'S) (a: Set<'T>) (s: 'S) : 'S =\n Seq.fold (fun s x -> f x s) s (T.Descend (ToTree a))\n\n []\n let ForAll f (a: Set<_>) = Seq.forall f a\n\n []\n let Intersect (s1: Set<'T>) (s2: Set<'T>) = Set.filter s2.Contains s1\n\n []\n let IntersectMany (s: seq>) = Seq.reduce Set.intersect s\n\n []\n let IsEmpty (a: Set<_>) = a.IsEmpty\n\n []\n let IsProperSubset (a: Set<_>) b = a.IsProperSubsetOf b\n\n []\n let IsProperSuperset (a: Set<_>) b = a.IsProperSupersetOf b\n\n []\n let IsSubset (a: Set<_>) b = a.IsSubsetOf b\n\n []\n let IsSuperset (a: Set<_>) b = a.IsSupersetOf b\n\n []\n let Iterate f (s: Set<_>) = Seq.iter f s\n\n []\n let Map f (s: Set<_>) = Set.ofSeq (Seq.map f s)\n\n []\n let MaxElement (s: Set<_>) = s.MaximumElement\n\n []\n let MinElement (s: Set<_>) = s.MinimumElement\n\n []\n let OfArray (a: 'T []) = OfTree (T.OfSeq a)\n\n []\n let OfList (a: list<'T>) = OfTree (T.OfSeq a)\n\n []\n let OfSeq (a: seq<'T>) = OfTree (T.OfSeq a)\n\n let Partition f (a: Set<_>) =\n let (x, y) = Array.partition f (Seq.toArray a)\n (Set.ofArray x, Set.ofArray y)\n\n []\n let Remove v (a: Set<_>) = a.Remove v\n\n []\n let Singleton x = Set.add x Set.empty\n\n []\n let ToArray (a: Set<_>) = Seq.toArray a\n\n []\n let ToList (a: Set<_>) = Seq.toList a\n\n []\n let ToSeq (a: Set<_>) : seq<_> = a :> _\n\n []\n let Union (s1: Set<_>) (s2: Set<_>) =\n Set.ofSeq (Seq.append s1 s2)\n\n []\n let UnionMany (sets: seq>) =\n Set.ofSeq (Seq.concat sets)\n\n\n\n\n\n", "// $begin{copyright}\n//\n// This file is part of WebSharper\n//\n// Copyright (c) 2008-2018 IntelliFactory\n//\n// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\"); you\n// may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may\n// obtain a copy of the License at\n//\n// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n//\n// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n// distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or\n// implied. See the License for the specific language governing\n// permissions and limitations under the License.\n//\n// $end{copyright}\n\nmodule private WebSharper.Collections.ResizeArray\n\nopen WebSharper\nopen WebSharper.JavaScript\ntype private IComparer<'T> = System.Collections.Generic.IComparer<'T>\n\n[]\n[>)>]\ntype ResizeArrayEnumeratorProxy<'T> (arr: 'T[]) =\n let mutable i = -1\n\n member this.MoveNext() =\n i <- i + 1\n i < arr.Length\n\n member this.Current with get() = arr.[i]\n\n interface System.Collections.IEnumerator with\n member this.MoveNext() = this.MoveNext()\n member this.Current = \n (As> this).Current \n []\n member this.Reset() = ()\n\n interface System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerator<'T> with\n member this.Current = \n if i = -1 then\n failwith \"Enumeration has not started. Call MoveNext.\"\n elif i >= arr.Length then\n failwith \"Enumeration already finished.\"\n else\n arr.[i]\n\n interface System.IDisposable with\n member this.Dispose() = ()\n\n[>)>]\n[]\n[]\ntype ResizeArrayProxy<'T> [] (_arr: 'T []) =\n\n []\n new () =\n new ResizeArrayProxy<'T>([||])\n\n []\n new (size: int) =\n new ResizeArrayProxy<'T>([||])\n\n []\n new (el: seq<'T>) =\n new ResizeArrayProxy<'T>(Seq.toArray el)\n\n []\n member this.GetEnumerator() =\n As>(new ResizeArrayEnumeratorProxy<'T>(As<'T[]> this))\n\n []\n member this.Add(x: 'T) : unit =\n As<'T[]>(this).JS.Push(x) |> ignore\n\n []\n member this.AddRange(x: seq<'T>) : unit =\n Seq.iter this.Add x\n\n []\n member this.AsReadOnly() : System.Collections.ObjectModel.ReadOnlyCollection<'T> =\n System.Array.AsReadOnly(As<'T[]> this)\n\n []\n member this.BinarySearch(start: int, length: int, item: 'T, comparer: IComparer<'T>) : int =\n System.Array.BinarySearch(As<'T[]> this, start, length, item, comparer)\n\n []\n member this.BinarySearch(item: 'T) : int =\n System.Array.BinarySearch(As<'T[]> this, item)\n\n []\n member this.BinarySearch(item: 'T, comparer: IComparer<'T>) : int =\n System.Array.BinarySearch(As<'T[]> this, item, comparer)\n\n []\n member this.Clear() : unit =\n (As<'T[]> this).JS.Splice(0, this.Count) |> ignore\n\n []\n member this.Contains(item: 'T) : bool =\n System.Array.Exists(As<'T[]> this, fun x -> System.Collections.Generic.EqualityComparer.Default.Equals(item, x))\n\n []\n member this.ConvertAll<'U>(conv: System.Converter<'T, 'U>) : ResizeArray<'U> =\n ResizeArray<'U>(System.Array.ConvertAll(As<'T[]> this, conv))\n\n []\n member this.CopyTo(arr: 'T[]) : unit =\n this.CopyTo(arr, 0)\n\n []\n member this.CopyTo(arr: 'T[], offset: int) : unit =\n this.CopyTo(0, arr, offset, this.Count)\n\n []\n member this.CopyTo(index: int, target: 'T[], offset: int, count: int) : unit =\n Array.blit (As<'T[]> this) index target offset count\n\n []\n member this.Count : int = (As<'T[]> this).Length\n\n []\n member this.Exists(pred: System.Predicate<'T>) : bool =\n System.Array.Exists(As<'T[]> this, pred)\n\n []\n member this.Find(pred: System.Predicate<'T>) : 'T =\n System.Array.Find(As<'T[]> this, pred)\n\n []\n member this.FindAll(pred: System.Predicate<'T>) : ResizeArray<'T> =\n ResizeArray<'T>(System.Array.FindAll(As<'T[]> this, pred))\n\n []\n member this.FindIndex(pred: System.Predicate<'T>) : int =\n System.Array.FindIndex(As<'T[]> this, pred)\n\n []\n member this.FindIndex(start: int, pred: System.Predicate<'T>) : int =\n System.Array.FindIndex(As<'T[]> this, start, pred)\n\n []\n member this.FindIndex(start: int, count: int, pred: System.Predicate<'T>) : int =\n System.Array.FindIndex(As<'T[]> this, start, count, pred)\n\n []\n member this.FindLast(pred: System.Predicate<'T>) : 'T =\n System.Array.FindLast(As<'T[]> this, pred)\n\n []\n member this.FindLastIndex(pred: System.Predicate<'T>) : int =\n System.Array.FindLastIndex(As<'T[]> this, pred)\n\n []\n member this.FindLastIndex(start: int, pred: System.Predicate<'T>) : int =\n System.Array.FindLastIndex(As<'T[]> this, start, pred)\n\n []\n member this.FindLastIndex(start: int, count: int, pred: System.Predicate<'T>) : int =\n System.Array.FindLastIndex(As<'T[]> this, start, count, pred)\n\n []\n member this.ForEach(action: System.Action<'T>) : unit =\n System.Array.ForEach(As<'T[]> this, action)\n\n []\n member this.GetRange(index: int, count: int) : ResizeArray<'T> =\n As (ResizeArrayProxy<'T>(Array.sub (As<'T[]> this) index count))\n\n []\n member this.IndexOf(item: 'T) : int =\n System.Array.IndexOf(As<'T[]> this, item)\n\n []\n member this.IndexOf(item: 'T, start: int) : int =\n System.Array.IndexOf(As<'T[]> this, item, start)\n\n []\n member this.IndexOf(item: 'T, start: int, count: int) : int =\n System.Array.IndexOf(As<'T[]> this, item, start, count)\n\n []\n member this.Insert(index: int, item: 'T) : unit =\n (As<'T[]> this).JS.Splice(index, 0, item) |> ignore\n\n []\n member this.InsertRange(index: int, items: seq<'T>) : unit =\n (As<'T[]> this).JS.Splice(index, 0, Array.ofSeq items) |> ignore\n\n member this.Item\n with [] get (x: int) : 'T = (As<'T[]> this).[x]\n and [] set (x: int) (v: 'T) = (As<'T[]> this).[x] <- v\n\n []\n member this.LastIndexOf(item: 'T) : int =\n System.Array.LastIndexOf(As<'T[]> this, item)\n\n []\n member this.LastIndexOf(item: 'T, start: int) : int =\n System.Array.LastIndexOf(As<'T[]> this, item, start)\n\n []\n member this.LastIndexOf(item: 'T, start: int, count: int) : int =\n System.Array.LastIndexOf(As<'T[]> this, item, start, count)\n\n member this.Remove(item: 'T) : bool =\n match this.IndexOf(item) with\n | -1 -> false\n | n -> this.RemoveAt(n); true\n\n member this.RemoveAll(pred: System.Predicate<'T>) : int =\n let mutable removed = 0\n let mutable i = 0\n while i < this.Count do\n if pred.Invoke((As<'T[]> this).JS.[i]) then\n let mutable j = i + 1\n while j < this.Count && pred.Invoke((As<'T[]> this).JS.[j]) do\n j <- j + 1\n removed <- removed + j - i\n (As<'T[]> this).JS.Splice(i, j - i) |> ignore\n else\n i <- i + 1\n removed\n\n []\n member this.RemoveAt(x: int) : unit =\n (As<'T[]> this).JS.Splice(x, 1) |> ignore\n\n []\n member this.RemoveRange(index: int, count: int) : unit =\n (As<'T[]> this).JS.Splice(index, count) |> ignore\n\n []\n member this.Reverse() : unit =\n System.Array.Reverse(As<'T[]> this)\n\n []\n member this.Reverse(index: int, count: int) : unit =\n System.Array.Reverse(As<'T[]> this, index, count)\n\n []\n member this.Sort() : unit =\n System.Array.Sort(As<'T[]> this)\n\n []\n member this.Sort(comp: IComparer<'T>) : unit =\n System.Array.Sort(As<'T[]> this, comp)\n\n []\n member this.Sort(start: int, length: int, comp: IComparer<'T>) : unit =\n System.Array.Sort(As<'T[]> this, start, length, comp)\n\n []\n member this.Sort(comp: System.Comparison<'T>) : unit =\n System.Array.Sort(As<'T[]> this, comp)\n\n []\n member this.ToArray() : 'T [] =\n Array.copy (As<'T[]> this)\n\n []\n member this.TrimExcess() = ()\n\n []\n member this.TrueForAll(pred: System.Predicate<'T>) : bool =\n System.Array.TrueForAll(As<'T[]> this, pred)\n", "// $begin{copyright}\n//\n// This file is part of WebSharper\n//\n// Copyright (c) 2008-2018 IntelliFactory\n//\n// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\"); you\n// may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may\n// obtain a copy of the License at\n//\n// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n//\n// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n// distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or\n// implied. See the License for the specific language governing\n// permissions and limitations under the License.\n//\n// $end{copyright}\n\nmodule private WebSharper.Collections.LinkedList\n\nopen System.Collections\nopen System.Collections.Generic\n\nopen WebSharper\nopen WebSharper.JavaScript\n\ntype LL<'T> = LinkedList<'T>\ntype LLN<'T> = LinkedListNode<'T>\ntype LLE<'T> = LinkedList<'T>.Enumerator\n\n[>)>]\n[]\ntype NodeProxy<'T> =\n member this.Previous with [] get () = X>\n member this.Next with [] get () = X>\n member this.Value with [] get () = X<'T>\n\n[]\nlet newNode<'T> (p: LLN<'T>) (n: LLN<'T>) (v: 'T) = X>\n\n[]\nlet setPrev (node: LLN<'T>) (p: LLN<'T>) = ()\n\n[]\nlet setNext (node: LLN<'T>) (n: LLN<'T>) = ()\n\n[>)>]\n[]\ntype EnumeratorProxy<'T> [] (l: LLN<'T>) =\n let mutable c = l\n\n interface IEnumerator<'T> with\n member this.Current = \n if JS.In \"c\" c then\n failwith \"Enumeration has not started. Call MoveNext.\"\n elif c ==. null then\n failwith \"Enumeration already finished.\"\n else\n c.Value\n \n member this.Current =\n (As> this).Current \n\n member this.MoveNext() =\n c <- c.Next\n c <> null\n\n member this.Dispose() = ()\n\n []\n member this.Reset() = ()\n\n[>)>]\n[]\ntype ListProxy<'T> [] (coll: 'T seq) =\n let mutable c = 0\n let mutable n = null\n let mutable p = null\n\n do let ie = coll.GetEnumerator()\n if ie.MoveNext() then\n n <- newNode null null ie.Current\n p <- n\n c <- 1\n while ie.MoveNext() do\n let node = newNode p null ie.Current\n setNext p node\n p <- node\n c <- c + 1\n \n new () = ListProxy(Seq.empty) \n\n []\n member this.Count = c\n\n []\n member this.First = n\n\n []\n member this.Last = p\n\n member this.AddAfter(after: LLN<'T>, value) =\n let before = after.Next\n let node = newNode after before value\n if after.Next = null then p <- node\n setNext after node\n if before <> null then setPrev before node\n c <- c + 1\n node\n\n member this.AddBefore(before: LLN<'T>, value) =\n let after = before.Previous\n let node = newNode after before value\n if before.Previous = null then n <- node \n setPrev before node\n if after <> null then setNext after node\n c <- c + 1\n node\n\n member this.AddFirst(value) =\n if c = 0 then\n let node = newNode null null value\n n <- node\n p <- n \n c <- 1\n node\n else this.AddBefore(n, value)\n\n member this.AddLast(value) =\n if c = 0 then\n let node = newNode null null value\n n <- node\n p <- n \n c <- 1\n node\n else this.AddAfter(p, value)\n\n member this.Clear() =\n c <- 0\n n <- null\n p <- null\n\n member this.Contains(value: 'T) =\n let mutable found = false\n let mutable node = n\n while node <> null && not found do\n if node.Value ==. value then found <- true \n else node <- node.Next\n found\n \n member this.Find(value: 'T) =\n let mutable node = n\n let mutable notFound = true\n while notFound && node <> null do\n if node.Value ==. value then\n notFound <- false \n else\n node <- node.Next\n if notFound then null else node\n\n member this.FindLast(value: 'T) = \n let mutable node = p\n let mutable notFound = true\n while notFound && node <> null do\n if node.Value ==. value then\n notFound <- false \n else\n node <- node.Previous\n if notFound then null else node\n \n []\n member this.GetEnumerator(): LinkedList<'T>.Enumerator =\n As (new EnumeratorProxy<_>(As this))\n\n interface IEnumerable with\n []\n member this.GetEnumerator() = X<_> \n\n interface IEnumerable<'T> with\n []\n member this.GetEnumerator() = X<_> \n\n member this.Remove(node: LLN<'T>) =\n let before = node.Previous\n let after = node.Next\n if before = null then n <- after else setNext before after\n if after = null then p <- before else setPrev after before\n c <- c - 1\n \n member this.Remove(value) = \n let node = this.Find(value)\n if node = null then false\n else\n this.Remove(node)\n true\n\n member this.RemoveFirst() = this.Remove(n)\n\n member this.RemoveLast() = this.Remove(p)\n\n member this.CopyTo(arr: 'T[], index: int) =\n let mutable node = n\n let mutable i = index\n while node <> null do\n arr[i] <- node.Value\n node <- node.Next\n i <- i + 1 \n \n interface ICollection<'T> with\n member this.IsReadOnly = false\n member this.Count = c \n member this.Add(x) = this.AddLast(x) |> ignore\n []\n member this.Clear() = ()\n []\n member this.Contains(p) = X\n []\n member this.CopyTo(arr: 'T[], index: int) = ()\n []\n member this.Remove(x) = X\n", "// $begin{copyright}\n//\n// This file is part of WebSharper\n//\n// Copyright (c) 2008-2018 IntelliFactory\n//\n// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\"); you\n// may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may\n// obtain a copy of the License at\n//\n// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n//\n// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n// distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or\n// implied. See the License for the specific language governing\n// permissions and limitations under the License.\n//\n// $end{copyright}\n\nnamespace WebSharper\n\nopen System\nopen System.Linq\nopen System.Collections\nopen System.Collections.Generic\nopen WebSharper.Core\nopen WebSharper.JavaScript\n\n[>)>]\ntype internal IGroupingProxy<'K, 'T> =\n abstract Key : 'K\n\n[]\ntype internal Grouping<'K, 'T> (k: 'K, v: seq<'T>) =\n\n interface seq<'T> with\n member this.GetEnumerator() =\n v.GetEnumerator()\n\n interface System.Collections.IEnumerable with\n []\n member this.GetEnumerator() = X<_>\n\n interface System.Linq.IGrouping<'K, 'T> with\n member this.Key = k\n\n[>)>]\ntype internal IOrderedEnumerableProxy<'T> =\n inherit seq<'T>\n abstract CreateOrderedEnumerable<'K>\n : keySelector: Func<'T, 'K>\n * comparer: IComparer<'K>\n * descending: bool\n -> IOrderedEnumerable<'T>\n\n[]\ntype internal FsComparer<'T when 'T : comparison>() =\n interface IComparer<'T> with\n member this.Compare(x, y) =\n compare x y\n\n[]\ntype internal ProjectionComparer<'T, 'K>(primary: IComparer<'K>, projection: Func<'T, 'K>) =\n interface IComparer<'T> with\n member this.Compare(x, y) =\n primary.Compare(projection.Invoke x, projection.Invoke y)\n\n[]\ntype internal CompoundComparer<'T>(primary: IComparer<'T>, secondary: IComparer<'T>) =\n interface IComparer<'T> with\n member this.Compare(x, y) =\n match primary.Compare(x, y) with\n | 0 -> secondary.Compare(x, y)\n | n -> n\n\n[]\ntype internal ReverseComparer<'T, 'K>(primary: IComparer<'K>, projection: Func<'T, 'K>) =\n interface IComparer<'T> with\n member this.Compare(x, y) =\n primary.Compare(projection.Invoke y, projection.Invoke x)\n\n[]\ntype internal OrderedEnumerable<'T>(source: seq<'T>, primary: IComparer<'T>) =\n interface IOrderedEnumerable<'T> with\n member this.CreateOrderedEnumerable(keySelector, secondary, descending) =\n let secondary =\n if descending then\n ReverseComparer(secondary, keySelector) :> IComparer<'T>\n else\n ProjectionComparer(secondary, keySelector) :> IComparer<'T>\n OrderedEnumerable<'T>(source, CompoundComparer(primary, secondary)) :> _\n interface seq<'T> with\n member this.GetEnumerator() =\n let a = Array.ofSeq source\n Array.sortInPlaceWith (fun x y -> primary.Compare(x, y)) a\n (a :> seq<'T>).GetEnumerator()\n interface IEnumerable with\n []\n member this.GetEnumerator() = X<_>\n\n//[>)>]\n//type internal ILookupProxy<'K, 'E> =\n// inherit seq>\n// inherit IEnumerable\n// abstract Item : 'K -> 'E with get\n// abstract Count : int with get\n// abstract Contains : 'K -> bool\n//\n//[]\n//type internal Lookup<'K, 'T, 'E>(source: seq<'T>, key: Func<'T, 'K>, elt: Func<'T, 'E>, comparer: IEqualityComparer<'K>) =\n//\n// let dc = lazy (\n// let d = Dictionary<'K, ResizeArray<'E>>(comparer)\n// let count = ref 0\n// source |> Seq.iter (fun e ->\n// incr count\n// let k = key.Invoke e\n// let v = elt.Invoke e\n// if d.ContainsKey k then\n// d.[k].Add(v)\n// else\n// d.Add(k, ResizeArray([|v|]))\n// )\n// d, !count\n// )\n//\n// let s = lazy (\n// fst dc.Value |> Seq.map (fun (KeyValue(k, v)) ->\n// Grouping(k, v) :> IGrouping<_,_>)\n// )\n//\n// interface seq> with\n// member this.GetEnumerator() = s.Value.GetEnumerator()\n// interface IEnumerable with\n// member this.GetEnumerator() = (s.Value :> IEnumerable).GetEnumerator()\n// interface ILookup<'K, 'E> with\n// member this.Item with get k = (fst dc.Value).[k] :> seq<_>\n// member this.Count = snd dc.Value\n// member this.Contains(k) = (fst dc.Value).ContainsKey(k)\n\ntype private LinqMacro() =\n inherit Macro()\n\n override this.TranslateCall(c) = //e, t, m, a, _) =\n let targ = c.Method.Generics.[0]\n WebSharper.Core.Macros.EqualityComparer.GetDefault(c.Compilation, targ)\n |> MacroResult.Map (fun ec ->\n let m' =\n let t =\n AST.Type.ConcreteType {\n Generics = [targ]\n Entity =\n typedefof>\n |> AST.Reflection.ReadTypeDefinition\n }\n let m = c.Method.Entity.Value\n { m with Parameters = m.Parameters @ [t] }\n let m = { c.Method with Entity = Hashed m' }\n AST.Call(c.This, c.DefiningType, c.Method, c.Arguments @ [ec]))\n\n[]\n[)>]\n[]\ntype private LinqProxy =\n\n []\n static member Aggregate<'T>(this: seq<'T>, func: Func<'T, 'T, 'T>) : 'T =\n Seq.reduce (fun x y -> func.Invoke(x, y)) this\n\n []\n static member Aggregate<'T, 'U>(this: seq<'T>, seed: 'U, func: Func<'U, 'T, 'U>) : 'U =\n Seq.fold (fun x y -> func.Invoke(x, y)) seed this\n\n []\n static member Aggregate<'T, 'U, 'R>(this: seq<'T>, seed: 'U, func: Func<'U, 'T, 'U>, resultSelector: Func<'U, 'R>) : 'R =\n resultSelector.Invoke(Seq.fold (fun x y -> func.Invoke(x, y)) seed this)\n\n []\n static member All<'T>(this: seq<'T>, predicate: Func<'T, bool>) : bool =\n Seq.forall predicate.Invoke this\n\n []\n static member Any<'T>(this: seq<'T>) : bool =\n not (Seq.isEmpty this)\n\n []\n static member Any<'T>(this: seq<'T>, predicate: Func<'T, bool>) : bool =\n Seq.exists predicate.Invoke this\n\n []\n static member AsEnumerable<'T>(this: seq<'T>) : seq<'T> =\n this\n\n []\n static member Average(this: seq>) : Nullable =\n LinqProxy.Average(Seq.cast> this)\n\n []\n static member Average(this: seq>) : Nullable =\n LinqProxy.Average(Seq.cast> this)\n\n static member Average(this: seq>) : Nullable =\n let mutable x = [||]\n use e = this.GetEnumerator()\n while e.MoveNext() do\n if e.Current.HasValue then\n x.JS.Push e.Current.Value |> ignore\n if x.Length = 0 then\n Nullable()\n else\n Nullable(Seq.sum x / float x.Length)\n\n []\n static member Average(this: seq) : float =\n Seq.average this\n\n []\n static member Average(this: seq) : float =\n Seq.average (Seq.cast this)\n\n []\n static member Average(this: seq) : float =\n Seq.average (Seq.cast this)\n\n []\n static member Average<'T>(this: seq<'T>, selector: Func<'T, Nullable>) : Nullable =\n LinqProxy.Average (Seq.cast> (Seq.map selector.Invoke this))\n\n []\n static member Average<'T>(this: seq<'T>, selector: Func<'T, int64>) : float =\n Seq.average (Seq.cast (Seq.map selector.Invoke this))\n\n []\n static member Average<'T>(this: seq<'T>, selector: Func<'T, Nullable>) : Nullable =\n LinqProxy.Average (Seq.cast> (Seq.map selector.Invoke this))\n\n []\n static member Average<'T>(this: seq<'T>, selector: Func<'T, Nullable>) : Nullable =\n LinqProxy.Average (Seq.map selector.Invoke this)\n\n []\n static member Average<'T>(this: seq<'T>, selector: Func<'T, float>) : float =\n Seq.average (Seq.map selector.Invoke this)\n\n []\n static member Average<'T>(this: seq<'T>, selector: Func<'T, int>) : float =\n Seq.average (Seq.cast (Seq.map selector.Invoke this))\n\n []\n static member Cast<'T>(this: IEnumerable) : seq<'T> =\n Seq.cast this\n\n []\n static member Concat<'T>(this: seq<'T>, second: seq<'T>) : seq<'T> =\n Seq.append this second\n\n []\n static member Contains<'T>(this: seq<'T>, value: 'T) : bool =\n LinqProxy.Contains(this, value, EqualityComparer.Default)\n\n []\n static member Contains<'T>(this: seq<'T>, value: 'T, comparer: IEqualityComparer<'T>) : bool =\n Seq.exists (fun x -> comparer.Equals(value, x)) this\n\n []\n static member Count<'T>(this: seq<'T>) : int =\n Seq.length this\n\n []\n static member Count<'T>(this: seq<'T>, predicate: Func<'T, bool>) : int =\n Seq.length (Seq.filter predicate.Invoke this)\n\n []\n static member DefaultIfEmpty<'T>(this: seq<'T>) : seq<'T> =\n LinqProxy.DefaultIfEmpty(this, Unchecked.defaultof<'T>)\n\n static member DefaultIfEmpty<'T>(this: seq<'T>, defaultValue: 'T) : seq<'T> =\n if Seq.isEmpty this then\n Seq.singleton defaultValue\n else this\n\n []\n static member Distinct<'T>(this: seq<'T>) : seq<'T> =\n LinqProxy.Distinct(this, EqualityComparer.Default)\n\n static member Distinct<'T>(this: seq<'T>, comparer: IEqualityComparer<'T>) : seq<'T> =\n seq {\n use e = this.GetEnumerator()\n let tbl = HashSet(comparer)\n while e.MoveNext() do\n if tbl.Add(e.Current) then\n yield e.Current\n }\n\n []\n static member ElementAt<'T>(this: seq<'T>, index: int): 'T =\n Seq.item index this\n\n []\n static member ElementAtOrDefault<'T>(this: seq<'T>, index: int) =\n LinqProxy.JSElementAtOrDefault(this, index, Unchecked.defaultof<'T>)\n\n []\n static member JSElementAtOrDefault<'T>(this: seq<'T>, index: int, defaultValue: 'T) : 'T =\n try Seq.item index this\n with _ -> defaultValue\n\n []\n static member Empty<'T>() : seq<'T> =\n Seq.empty\n\n []\n static member Except<'T>(this: seq<'T>, second: seq<'T>) : seq<'T> =\n LinqProxy.Except(this, second, EqualityComparer.Default)\n\n static member Except<'T>(this: seq<'T>, second: seq<'T>, comparer: IEqualityComparer<'T>) : seq<'T> =\n let tbl = HashSet(this, comparer)\n for x in second do tbl.Remove(x) |> ignore\n tbl :> _\n\n []\n static member First<'T>(this: seq<'T>) : 'T =\n Seq.head this\n\n []\n static member First<'T>(this: seq<'T>, predicate: Func<'T, bool>) : 'T =\n Seq.find predicate.Invoke this\n\n []\n static member FirstOrDefault<'T>(this: seq<'T>) : 'T =\n LinqProxy.JSFirstOrDefault(this, Unchecked.defaultof<'T>)\n\n []\n static member JSFirstOrDefault<'T>(this: seq<'T>, defaultValue: 'T) : 'T =\n use e = this.GetEnumerator()\n if e.MoveNext() then e.Current else defaultValue\n\n []\n static member FirstOrDefault<'T>(this: seq<'T>, predicate: Func<'T, bool>) : 'T =\n LinqProxy.JSFirstOrDefault(this, predicate, Unchecked.defaultof<'T>)\n\n []\n static member JSFirstOrDefault<'T>(this: seq<'T>, predicate: Func<'T, bool>, defaultValue: 'T) : 'T =\n match Seq.tryFind predicate.Invoke this with\n | Some x -> x\n | None -> defaultValue\n\n []\n static member GroupBy<'T, 'K when 'K : equality>(this: seq<'T>, keySelector: Func<'T, 'K>) : seq> =\n LinqProxy.GroupBy(this, keySelector, EqualityComparer.Default)\n\n []\n static member GroupBy<'T, 'K when 'K : equality>(this: seq<'T>, keySelector: Func<'T, 'K>, comparer: IEqualityComparer<'K>) : seq> =\n LinqProxy.GroupBy(this, keySelector, (fun x -> x), comparer)\n\n []\n static member GroupBy<'T, 'K, 'R when 'K : equality>(this: seq<'T>, keySelector: Func<'T, 'K>, resultSelector: Func<'K, seq<'T>, 'R>) : seq<'R> =\n LinqProxy.GroupBy(this, keySelector, resultSelector, EqualityComparer.Default)\n\n []\n static member GroupBy<'T, 'K, 'E when 'K : equality>(this: seq<'T>, keySelector: Func<'T, 'K>, elementSelector: Func<'T, 'E>) : seq> =\n LinqProxy.GroupBy(this, keySelector, elementSelector, EqualityComparer.Default)\n\n static member GroupBy<'T, 'K, 'E when 'K : equality>(this: seq<'T>, keySelector: Func<'T, 'K>, elementSelector: Func<'T, 'E>, comparer: IEqualityComparer<'K>) : seq> =\n Seq.delay (fun () ->\n // Using an array instead of a seq is important here: the returned groupings\n // use a ResizeArray that is filled here, so this enumeration must be finished\n // before the user can enumerate any of the groupings.\n [|\n let t = Dictionary<'K, ResizeArray<'E>>(comparer)\n for x in this do\n let k = keySelector.Invoke x\n let e = elementSelector.Invoke x\n match t.TryGetValue k with\n | true, a -> a.Add(e)\n | false, _ ->\n let a = ResizeArray<'E>()\n a.Add(e)\n t.[k] <- a\n yield Grouping(k, a) :> IGrouping<_,_>\n |] :> _\n )\n\n []\n static member GroupBy<'T, 'K, 'R when 'K : equality>(this: seq<'T>, keySelector: Func<'T, 'K>, resultSelector: Func<'K, seq<'T>, 'R>, comparer: IEqualityComparer<'K>) : seq<'R> =\n LinqProxy.GroupBy(this, keySelector, (fun x -> x), resultSelector, comparer)\n\n []\n static member GroupBy<'T, 'K, 'E, 'R when 'K : equality>(this: seq<'T>, keySelector: Func<'T, 'K>, elementSelector: Func<'T, 'E>, resultSelector: Func<'K, seq<'E>, 'R>) : seq<'R> =\n LinqProxy.GroupBy(this, keySelector, elementSelector, resultSelector, EqualityComparer.Default)\n\n static member GroupBy<'T, 'K, 'E, 'R when 'K : equality>(this: seq<'T>, keySelector: Func<'T, 'K>, elementSelector: Func<'T, 'E>, resultSelector: Func<'K, seq<'E>, 'R>, comparer: IEqualityComparer<'K>) : seq<'R> =\n LinqProxy.GroupBy(this, keySelector, elementSelector, comparer)\n |> Seq.map (fun g -> resultSelector.Invoke(g.Key, g))\n\n []\n static member GroupJoin<'O, 'I, 'K, 'R>(outer: seq<'O>, inner: seq<'I>, outerKeySelector: Func<'O, 'K>, innerKeySelector: Func<'I, 'K>, resultSelector: Func<'O, seq<'I>, 'R>) : seq<'R> =\n LinqProxy.GroupJoin(outer, inner, outerKeySelector, innerKeySelector, resultSelector, EqualityComparer.Default)\n\n static member GroupJoin<'O, 'I, 'K, 'R>(outer: seq<'O>, inner: seq<'I>, outerKeySelector: Func<'O, 'K>, innerKeySelector: Func<'I, 'K>, resultSelector: Func<'O, seq<'I>, 'R>, comparer: IEqualityComparer<'K>) : seq<'R> =\n Seq.delay (fun () ->\n let t = Dictionary<'K, 'O * ResizeArray<'I>>(comparer)\n let a = [|\n for o in outer do\n let k = outerKeySelector.Invoke o\n match t.TryGetValue k with\n | true, _ -> ()\n | false, _ ->\n let pair = (o, ResizeArray())\n t.Add(k, pair)\n yield pair\n |]\n for i in inner do\n let k = innerKeySelector.Invoke i\n match t.TryGetValue k with\n | true, (_, a) -> a.Add(i)\n | false, _ -> ()\n a |> Array.iteri (fun i (o, is) ->\n a.[i] <- As (resultSelector.Invoke(o, is)))\n As a\n )\n\n []\n static member Intersect<'T>(this: seq<'T>, second: seq<'T>) : seq<'T> =\n LinqProxy.Intersect(this, second, EqualityComparer.Default)\n\n static member Intersect<'T>(this: seq<'T>, second: seq<'T>, comparer: IEqualityComparer<'T>) : seq<'T> =\n let t1 = HashSet(this, comparer)\n seq {\n let t2 = HashSet(comparer)\n for x in second do\n if t1.Contains(x) && t2.Add(x) then\n yield x\n }\n\n []\n static member Join<'O, 'I, 'K, 'R>(outer: seq<'O>, inner: seq<'I>, outerKeySelector: Func<'O, 'K>, innerKeySelector: Func<'I, 'K>, resultSelector: Func<'O, 'I, 'R>) : IEnumerable<'R> =\n LinqProxy.Join(outer, inner, outerKeySelector, innerKeySelector, resultSelector, EqualityComparer.Default)\n\n static member Join<'O, 'I, 'K, 'R>(outer: seq<'O>, inner: seq<'I>, outerKeySelector: Func<'O, 'K>, innerKeySelector: Func<'I, 'K>, resultSelector: Func<'O, 'I, 'R>, comparer: IEqualityComparer<'K>) : IEnumerable<'R> =\n Seq.delay (fun () ->\n let t = Dictionary<'K, 'O * ResizeArray<'I>>(comparer)\n let a = [|\n for o in outer do\n let k = outerKeySelector.Invoke o\n match t.TryGetValue k with\n | true, _ -> ()\n | false, _ ->\n let pair = (o, ResizeArray())\n t.Add(k, pair)\n yield pair\n |]\n for i in inner do\n let k = innerKeySelector.Invoke i\n match t.TryGetValue k with\n | true, (_, a) -> a.Add(i)\n | false, _ -> ()\n [|\n for (o, is) in a do\n for i in is do\n yield resultSelector.Invoke(o, i)\n |] :> _\n )\n\n []\n static member Last<'T>(this: seq<'T>) : 'T =\n Seq.last this\n\n static member LastPred(this: seq<'T>, predicate: Func<'T, bool>) : option<'T> =\n (None, this)\n ||> Seq.fold (fun acc elt ->\n if predicate.Invoke elt then Some elt else acc)\n\n static member Last<'T>(this: seq<'T>, predicate: Func<'T, bool>) : 'T =\n match LinqProxy.LastPred(this, predicate) with\n | Some x -> x\n | None -> invalidOp \"Sequence contains no matching element\"\n\n []\n static member LastOrDefault<'T>(this: seq<'T>) : 'T =\n Enumerable.LastOrDefault(this, fun _ -> true)\n\n []\n static member LastOrDefault<'T>(this: seq<'T>, predicate: Func<'T, bool>) : 'T =\n LinqProxy.JSLastOrDefault(this, predicate, Unchecked.defaultof<'T>)\n\n []\n static member JSLastOrDefault<'T>(this: seq<'T>, predicate: Func<'T, bool>, defaultValue: 'T) : 'T =\n match LinqProxy.LastPred(this, predicate) with\n | Some x -> x\n | None -> defaultValue\n\n []\n static member LongCount<'T>(this: seq<'T>) : int64 =\n As(Enumerable.Count(this))\n\n []\n static member LongCount<'T>(this: seq<'T>, predicate: Func<'T, bool>) : int64 =\n As(Enumerable.Count(this, predicate))\n\n []\n static member Max(this: seq>) : Nullable =\n As(LinqProxy.Max(Seq.cast> this))\n\n []\n static member Max(this: seq) : float =\n Seq.max this\n\n []\n static member Max(this: seq>) : Nullable =\n As(LinqProxy.Max(Seq.cast> this))\n\n []\n static member Max(this: seq) : int64 =\n Seq.max this\n\n static member Max(this: seq>) : Nullable =\n let s = this |> Seq.choose (fun x -> if x.HasValue then Some x.Value else None)\n if Seq.isEmpty s then Nullable() else Nullable(Seq.max s)\n\n []\n static member Max(this: seq) : int =\n Seq.max this\n\n []\n static member Max<'T when 'T : comparison>(this: seq<'T>) : 'T =\n Seq.max this\n\n []\n static member Max<'T>(this: seq<'T>, selector: Func<'T, int64>) : int64 =\n LinqProxy.Max(Seq.map selector.Invoke this)\n\n []\n static member Max<'T>(this: seq<'T>, selector: Func<'T, float>) : float =\n LinqProxy.Max(Seq.map selector.Invoke this)\n\n []\n static member Max<'T>(this: seq<'T>, selector: Func<'T, Nullable>) : Nullable =\n LinqProxy.Max(Seq.map selector.Invoke this)\n\n []\n static member Max<'T>(this: seq<'T>, selector: Func<'T, Nullable>) : Nullable =\n LinqProxy.Max(Seq.map selector.Invoke this)\n\n []\n static member Max<'T>(this: seq<'T>, selector: Func<'T, Nullable>) : Nullable =\n LinqProxy.Max(Seq.map selector.Invoke this)\n\n []\n static member Max<'T>(this: seq<'T>, selector: Func<'T, int>) : int =\n LinqProxy.Max(Seq.map selector.Invoke this)\n\n []\n static member Max<'T, 'R when 'R : comparison>(this: seq<'T>, selector: Func<'T, 'R>) : 'R =\n LinqProxy.Max(Seq.map selector.Invoke this)\n\n []\n static member Min(this: seq>) : Nullable =\n As(LinqProxy.Min(Seq.cast> this))\n\n []\n static member Min(this: seq) : float =\n Seq.min this\n\n []\n static member Min(this: seq>) : Nullable =\n As(LinqProxy.Min(Seq.cast> this))\n\n []\n static member Min(this: seq) : int64 =\n Seq.min this\n\n static member Min(this: seq>) : Nullable =\n let s = this |> Seq.choose (fun x -> if x.HasValue then Some x.Value else None)\n if Seq.isEmpty s then Nullable() else Nullable(Seq.min s)\n\n []\n static member Min(this: seq) : int =\n Seq.min this\n\n []\n static member Min<'T when 'T : comparison>(this: seq<'T>) : 'T =\n Seq.min this\n\n []\n static member Min<'T>(this: seq<'T>, selector: Func<'T, int64>) : int64 =\n LinqProxy.Min(Seq.map selector.Invoke this)\n\n []\n static member Min<'T>(this: seq<'T>, selector: Func<'T, float>) : float =\n LinqProxy.Min(Seq.map selector.Invoke this)\n\n []\n static member Min<'T>(this: seq<'T>, selector: Func<'T, Nullable>) : Nullable =\n LinqProxy.Min(Seq.map selector.Invoke this)\n\n []\n static member Min<'T>(this: seq<'T>, selector: Func<'T, Nullable>) : Nullable =\n LinqProxy.Min(Seq.map selector.Invoke this)\n\n []\n static member Min<'T>(this: seq<'T>, selector: Func<'T, Nullable>) : Nullable =\n LinqProxy.Min(Seq.map selector.Invoke this)\n\n []\n static member Min<'T>(this: seq<'T>, selector: Func<'T, int>) : int =\n LinqProxy.Min(Seq.map selector.Invoke this)\n\n []\n static member Min<'T, 'R when 'R : comparison>(this: seq<'T>, selector: Func<'T, 'R>) : 'R =\n LinqProxy.Min(Seq.map selector.Invoke this)\n\n []\n static member OfType<'T>(this: IEnumerable) : seq<'T> =\n Seq.cast<'T> this\n\n []\n static member OrderBy<'T, 'K>(this: seq<'T>, keySelector: Func<'T, 'K>) : IOrderedEnumerable<'T> =\n LinqProxy.OrderBy(this, keySelector, Comparer<'K>.Default)\n\n static member OrderBy<'T, 'K>(this: seq<'T>, keySelector: Func<'T, 'K>, comparer: IComparer<'K>) : IOrderedEnumerable<'T> =\n OrderedEnumerable(this, ProjectionComparer(comparer, keySelector)) :> _\n\n []\n static member OrderByDescending<'T, 'K>(this: seq<'T>, keySelector: Func<'T, 'K>) : IOrderedEnumerable<'T> =\n LinqProxy.OrderByDescending(this, keySelector, Comparer<'K>.Default)\n\n static member OrderByDescending<'T, 'K>(this: seq<'T>, keySelector: Func<'T, 'K>, comparer: IComparer<'K>) : IOrderedEnumerable<'T> =\n OrderedEnumerable(this, ReverseComparer(comparer, keySelector)) :> _\n\n static member Range(start: int, count: int) : seq =\n Seq.init count ((+) start)\n\n static member Repeat<'T>(element: 'T, count: int) : seq<'T> =\n Seq.init count (fun _ -> element)\n\n static member Reverse<'T>(this: seq<'T>) : seq<'T> =\n Array.rev (Array.ofSeq this) :> _\n\n static member Select<'T, 'R>(this: seq<'T>, selector: Func<'T, int, 'R>) : seq<'R> =\n Seq.mapi (fun i x -> selector.Invoke(x, i)) this\n\n []\n static member Select<'T, 'R>(this: seq<'T>, selector: Func<'T, 'R>) : seq<'R> =\n Seq.map selector.Invoke this\n\n static member SelectMany<'T, 'R>(this: seq<'T>, selector: Func<'T, int, seq<'R>>) : seq<'R> =\n Seq.mapi (fun i x -> selector.Invoke(x, i)) this |> Seq.concat\n\n []\n static member SelectMany<'T, 'R>(this: seq<'T>, selector: Func<'T, seq<'R>>) : seq<'R> =\n Seq.collect selector.Invoke this\n\n static member SelectMany<'T, 'C, 'R>(this: seq<'T>, selector: Func<'T, seq<'C>>, collectionSelector: Func<'T, 'C, 'R>) : seq<'R> =\n this\n |> Seq.map (fun t -> t, selector.Invoke t)\n |> Seq.collect (fun (t, cs) ->\n cs |> Seq.map (fun c -> collectionSelector.Invoke(t, c)))\n\n static member SelectMany<'T, 'C, 'R>(this: seq<'T>, selector: Func<'T, int, seq<'C>>, collectionSelector: Func<'T, 'C, 'R>) : seq<'R> =\n this\n |> Seq.mapi (fun i t -> t, selector.Invoke(t, i))\n |> Seq.collect (fun (t, cs) ->\n cs |> Seq.map (fun c -> collectionSelector.Invoke(t, c)))\n\n []\n static member SequenceEqual<'T>(this: seq<'T>, second: seq<'T>) : bool =\n LinqProxy.SequenceEqual(this, second, EqualityComparer.Default)\n\n static member SequenceEqual<'T>(this: seq<'T>, second: seq<'T>, comparer: IEqualityComparer<'T>) : bool =\n use e1 = this.GetEnumerator()\n use e2 = this.GetEnumerator()\n let rec go() =\n if e1.MoveNext() then\n e2.MoveNext() && comparer.Equals(e1.Current, e2.Current) && go()\n else\n not (e2.MoveNext())\n go()\n\n []\n static member Single<'T>(this: seq<'T>) : 'T =\n Seq.exactlyOne this\n\n static member Single<'T>(this: seq<'T>, predicate: Func<'T, bool>) : 'T =\n let x =\n (None, this)\n ||> Seq.fold (fun state cur ->\n if predicate.Invoke cur then\n if state.IsSome then\n invalidOp \"Sequence contains more than one matching element\"\n else Some cur\n else state\n )\n match x with\n | None -> invalidOp \"Sequence contains no elements\"\n | Some x -> x\n\n []\n static member SingleOrDefault<'T>(this: seq<'T>) : 'T =\n LinqProxy.SingleOrDefault(this, fun _ -> true)\n\n []\n static member SingleOrDefault<'T>(this: seq<'T>, predicate: Func<'T, bool>) : 'T =\n LinqProxy.JSSingleOrDefault(this, predicate, Unchecked.defaultof<'T>)\n\n []\n static member JSSingleOrDefault<'T>(this: seq<'T>, predicate: Func<'T, bool>, defaultValue: 'T) : 'T =\n use e = this.GetEnumerator()\n let mutable found = None\n while e.MoveNext() do\n if predicate.Invoke e.Current then\n match found with\n | None -> found <- Some e.Current\n | Some _ -> invalidOp \"Sequence contains more than one element\"\n match found with\n | Some x -> x\n | None -> defaultValue\n\n static member Skip<'T>(this: seq<'T>, count: int) : seq<'T> =\n seq {\n use e = this.GetEnumerator()\n let mutable i = 0\n while i < count && e.MoveNext() do i <- i + 1\n while e.MoveNext() do yield e.Current\n }\n\n static member SkipWhile<'T>(this: seq<'T>, predicate: Func<'T, int, bool>) : seq<'T> =\n seq {\n use e = this.GetEnumerator()\n let mutable i = 0\n let mutable predWasTrue = true\n while predWasTrue && e.MoveNext() do\n if predicate.Invoke(e.Current, i) then\n i <- i + 1\n else\n predWasTrue <- false\n if not predWasTrue then\n yield e.Current\n while e.MoveNext() do yield e.Current\n }\n\n static member SkipWhile<'T>(this: seq<'T>, predicate: Func<'T, bool>) : seq<'T> =\n seq {\n use e = this.GetEnumerator()\n let mutable predWasTrue = true\n while predWasTrue && e.MoveNext() do\n if not (predicate.Invoke e.Current) then\n predWasTrue <- false\n if not predWasTrue then\n yield e.Current\n while e.MoveNext() do yield e.Current\n }\n\n []\n static member Sum(this: seq) : int64 =\n Seq.sum this\n\n []\n static member Sum(this: seq>) : Nullable =\n As(LinqProxy.Sum(Seq.cast> this))\n\n []\n static member Sum(this: seq) : float =\n Seq.sum this\n\n static member Sum(this: seq>) : Nullable =\n let s = this |> Seq.choose (fun x -> if x.HasValue then Some x.Value else None)\n if Seq.isEmpty s then Nullable() else Nullable(Seq.sum s)\n\n []\n static member Sum(this: seq>) : Nullable =\n As(LinqProxy.Sum(Seq.cast> this))\n\n []\n static member Sum(this: seq) : int =\n Seq.sum this\n\n []\n static member Sum<'T>(this: seq<'T>, selector: Func<'T, int64>) : int64 =\n LinqProxy.Sum(Seq.map selector.Invoke this)\n\n []\n static member Sum<'T>(this: seq<'T>, selector: Func<'T, float>) : float =\n LinqProxy.Sum(Seq.map selector.Invoke this)\n\n []\n static member Sum<'T>(this: seq<'T>, selector: Func<'T, Nullable>) : Nullable =\n LinqProxy.Sum(Seq.map selector.Invoke this)\n\n []\n static member Sum<'T>(this: seq<'T>, selector: Func<'T, Nullable>) : Nullable =\n LinqProxy.Sum(Seq.map selector.Invoke this)\n\n []\n static member Sum<'T>(this: seq<'T>, selector: Func<'T, Nullable>) : Nullable =\n LinqProxy.Sum(Seq.map selector.Invoke this)\n\n []\n static member Sum<'T>(this: seq<'T>, selector: Func<'T, int>) : int =\n LinqProxy.Sum(Seq.map selector.Invoke this)\n\n static member Take<'T>(this: seq<'T>, count: int) =\n seq {\n use e = this.GetEnumerator()\n let mutable i = 0\n while i < count && e.MoveNext() do\n i <- i + 1\n yield e.Current\n }\n\n static member TakeWhile<'T>(this: seq<'T>, predicate: Func<'T, int, bool>) : seq<'T> =\n seq {\n use e = this.GetEnumerator()\n let mutable i = 0\n while e.MoveNext() && predicate.Invoke(e.Current, i) do\n i <- i + 1\n yield e.Current\n }\n\n static member TakeWhile<'T>(this: seq<'T>, predicate: Func<'T, bool>) : seq<'T> =\n seq {\n use e = this.GetEnumerator()\n while e.MoveNext() && predicate.Invoke(e.Current) do\n yield e.Current\n }\n\n []\n static member ThenBy<'T, 'K>(this: IOrderedEnumerable<'T>, keySelector: Func<'T, 'K>) : IOrderedEnumerable<'T> =\n this.CreateOrderedEnumerable(keySelector, Comparer<_>.Default, false)\n\n []\n static member ThenBy<'T, 'K>(this: IOrderedEnumerable<'T>, keySelector: Func<'T, 'K>, comparer: IComparer<'K>) : IOrderedEnumerable<'T> =\n this.CreateOrderedEnumerable(keySelector, comparer, false)\n\n []\n static member ThenByDescending<'T, 'K>(this: IOrderedEnumerable<'T>, keySelector: Func<'T, 'K>) : IOrderedEnumerable<'T> =\n this.CreateOrderedEnumerable(keySelector, Comparer<_>.Default, true)\n\n []\n static member ThenByDescending<'T, 'K>(this: IOrderedEnumerable<'T>, keySelector: Func<'T, 'K>, comparer: IComparer<'K>) : IOrderedEnumerable<'T> =\n this.CreateOrderedEnumerable(keySelector, comparer, true)\n\n []\n static member ToArray<'T>(this: seq<'T>) : 'T[] =\n Seq.toArray this\n\n []\n static member ToDictionary<'T, 'K> (this: seq<'T>, keySelector: Func<'T, 'K>) : Dictionary<'K, 'T> =\n LinqProxy.ToDictionary(this, keySelector, EqualityComparer.Default)\n\n static member ToDictionary<'T, 'K> (this: seq<'T>, keySelector: Func<'T, 'K>, comparer: IEqualityComparer<'K>) : Dictionary<'K, 'T> =\n let d = Dictionary(comparer)\n Seq.iter (fun x -> d.Add(keySelector.Invoke x, x)) this\n d\n\n []\n static member ToDictionary<'T, 'K, 'E> (this: seq<'T>, keySelector: Func<'T, 'K>, elementSelector: Func<'T, 'E>) : Dictionary<'K, 'E> =\n LinqProxy.ToDictionary(this, keySelector, elementSelector, EqualityComparer.Default)\n\n static member ToDictionary<'T, 'K, 'E> (this: seq<'T>, keySelector: Func<'T, 'K>, elementSelector: Func<'T, 'E>, comparer: IEqualityComparer<'K>) : Dictionary<'K, 'E> =\n let d = Dictionary(comparer)\n Seq.iter (fun x -> d.Add(keySelector.Invoke x, elementSelector.Invoke x)) this\n d\n\n []\n static member ToList<'T>(this: seq<'T>) : List<'T> =\n List<'T>(this)\n\n //[)>]\n// static member ToLookup<'T, 'K>(this: seq<'T>, keySelector: Func<'T, 'K>) : ILookup<'K, 'T> =\n// Lookup<'K, 'T, 'T>(this, keySelector, Func<'T,'T>(id), EqualityComparer<'K>.Default) :> _\n\n// []\n// static member ToLookup<'T, 'K>(this: seq<'T>, keySelector: Func<'T, 'K>, comparer: IEqualityComparer<'K>) : ILookup<'K, 'T> =\n// Lookup<'K, 'T, 'T>(this, keySelector, Func<'T,'T>(id), comparer) :> _\n\n //[)>]\n// static member ToLookup<'T, 'K, 'E>(this: seq<'T>, keySelector: Func<'T, 'K>, elementSelector: Func<'T, 'E>) : ILookup<'K, 'E> =\n// Lookup<'K, 'T, 'E>(this, keySelector, elementSelector, EqualityComparer<'K>.Default) :> _\n\n// []\n// static member ToLookup<'T, 'K, 'E>(this: seq<'T>, keySelector: Func<'T, 'K>, elementSelector: Func<'T, 'E>, comparer: IEqualityComparer<'K>) : ILookup<'K, 'E> =\n// Lookup<'K, 'T, 'E>(this, keySelector, elementSelector, comparer) :> _\n\n []\n static member Union<'T>(this: seq<'T>, second: seq<'T>) : seq<'T> =\n LinqProxy.Union(this, second, EqualityComparer<'T>.Default)\n\n static member Union<'T>(this: seq<'T>, second: seq<'T>, comparer: IEqualityComparer<'T>) : seq<'T> =\n let tbl = HashSet(this, comparer)\n for e in second do tbl.Add(e) |> ignore\n tbl :> _\n\n static member Where<'T>(this: seq<'T>, predicate: Func<'T, int, bool>) : seq<'T> =\n seq {\n use e = this.GetEnumerator()\n let mutable i = 0\n while e.MoveNext() do\n if predicate.Invoke(e.Current, i) then\n yield e.Current\n i <- i + 1\n }\n\n []\n static member Where<'T>(this: seq<'T>, predicate: Func<'T, bool>) : seq<'T> =\n Seq.filter predicate.Invoke this\n\n []\n static member Zip<'T, 'U, 'R>(this: seq<'T>, second: seq<'U>, resultSelector: Func<'T, 'U, 'R>) : seq<'R> =\n Seq.map2 (fun x y -> resultSelector.Invoke(x, y)) this second\n", "// $begin{copyright}\n//\n// This file is part of WebSharper\n//\n// Copyright (c) 2008-2018 IntelliFactory\n//\n// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\"); you\n// may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may\n// obtain a copy of the License at\n//\n// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n//\n// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n// distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or\n// implied. See the License for the specific language governing\n// permissions and limitations under the License.\n//\n// $end{copyright}\n\nnamespace WebSharper\n\nopen System\nopen System.Linq\nopen System.Collections\nopen System.Collections.Generic\nopen WebSharper.Core\nopen WebSharper.JavaScript\nopen FSharp.Quotations\n\nopen FSharp.Linq\n\n[>)>]\ntype internal QuerySourceProxy<'T, 'Q> [] (source: IEnumerable<'T>) =\n\n []\n member this.Source = source\n \n[)>]\n[]\ntype internal QueryBuilderProxy() =\n []\n member this.All(source: QuerySource<'T, 'Q>, predicate: 'T -> bool) =\n Seq.forall predicate source.Source\n\n []\n member inline this.AverageBy\n (source: QuerySource<'T, 'Q>, projection: 'T -> ^Value) =\n Seq.averageBy projection source.Source\n\n []\n static member inline AverageByNullableImpl \n (source: QuerySource<'T, 'Q>, projection: 'T -> Nullable< ^TValue>) =\n let filtered =\n source.Source |> Seq.choose (fun x ->\n Option.ofNullable (projection x) \n ) |> Array.ofSeq\n if filtered.Length = 0 then Nullable() else Nullable(As< ^TValue> (Array.average (As filtered))) \n\n []\n member inline this.AverageByNullable (source, projection) = QueryBuilderProxy.AverageByNullableImpl(source, projection)\n\n []\n member this.Contains(source: QuerySource<'T, 'Q>, key: 'T) =\n Seq.contains key source.Source\n\n []\n member this.Count(source: QuerySource<'T, 'Q>) =\n Seq.length source.Source\n\n []\n member this.Distinct(source: QuerySource<'T, 'Q>) =\n Seq.distinct source.Source |> QuerySource<'T, 'Q>\n\n []\n member this.ExactlyOne(source: QuerySource<'T, 'Q>) =\n Seq.exactlyOne source.Source\n \n []\n member this.ExactlyOneOrDefault(source: QuerySource<'T, 'Q>) =\n source.Source.SingleOrDefault()\n\n []\n member this.Exists(source: QuerySource<'T, 'Q>, predicate: 'T -> bool) =\n Seq.exists predicate source.Source\n \n []\n member this.Find(source: QuerySource<'T, 'Q>, predicate: 'T -> bool) =\n Seq.find predicate source.Source\n\n []\n member this.For(source: QuerySource<'T, 'Q>, body: 'T -> QuerySource<'TResult, 'Q2>) =\n Seq.collect (fun x -> (body x).Source) source.Source |> QuerySource<'TResult, 'Q>\n \n []\n member this.GroupBy(source: QuerySource<'T, 'Q>, keySelector: 'T -> 'TKey) =\n source.Source.GroupBy(fun x -> keySelector x) |> QuerySource, 'Q>\n\n []\n member this.GroupJoin\n (\n outerSource: QuerySource<'TOuter, 'Q>, innerSource: QuerySource<'TInner, 'Q>, \n outerKeySelector: 'TOuter -> 'TKey, innerKeySelector: 'TInner -> 'TKey,\n resultSelector: 'TOuter -> seq<'TInner> -> 'TResult\n ) =\n outerSource.Source.GroupJoin(\n innerSource.Source, \n (fun x -> outerKeySelector x), \n (fun x -> innerKeySelector x), \n (fun x y -> resultSelector x y)\n ) |> QuerySource<'TResult, 'Q>\n\n []\n member this.GroupValBy<'T, 'TKey, 'TValue, 'Q>(source: QuerySource<'T, 'Q>, resultSelector: 'T -> 'TValue, keySelector: 'T -> 'TKey) =\n source.Source.GroupBy((fun x -> keySelector x), (fun x -> resultSelector x)) |> QuerySource, 'Q>\n\n []\n member this.Head(source: QuerySource<'T, 'Q>) =\n Seq.head source.Source\n\n []\n member this.HeadOrDefault(source: QuerySource<'T, 'Q>) =\n source.Source.FirstOrDefault()\n \n []\n member this.Join\n (\n outerSource: QuerySource<'TOuter, 'Q>, innerSource: QuerySource<'TInner, 'Q>, \n outerKeySelector: 'TOuter -> 'TKey, innerKeySelector: 'TInner -> 'TKey,\n resultSelector: 'TOuter -> 'TInner -> 'TResult\n ) =\n outerSource.Source.Join(\n innerSource.Source, \n (fun x -> outerKeySelector x), \n (fun x -> innerKeySelector x), \n (fun x y -> resultSelector x y)\n ) |> QuerySource<'TResult, 'Q>\n\n []\n member this.Last(source: QuerySource<'T, 'Q>) =\n Seq.last source.Source\n \n []\n member this.LastOrDefault(source: QuerySource<'T, 'Q>) =\n source.Source.LastOrDefault()\n\n []\n member this.LeftOuterJoin\n (\n outerSource: QuerySource<'TOuter, 'Q>, innerSource: QuerySource<'TInner, 'Q>, \n outerKeySelector: 'TOuter -> 'TKey, innerKeySelector: 'TInner -> 'TKey,\n resultSelector: 'TOuter -> seq<'TInner> -> 'TResult\n ) =\n outerSource.Source.GroupJoin(\n innerSource.Source, \n (fun x -> outerKeySelector x), \n (fun x -> innerKeySelector x), \n (fun x y -> resultSelector x (y.DefaultIfEmpty()))\n ) |> QuerySource<'TResult, 'Q>\n\n []\n member this.MaxBy(source: QuerySource<'T, 'Q>, valueSelector: 'T -> 'TValue) =\n source.Source.Max(fun x -> valueSelector x)\n \n []\n member this.MaxByNullable(source: QuerySource<'T, 'Q>, valueSelector: 'T -> Nullable<'TValue>) =\n source.Source.Max(fun x -> valueSelector x)\n\n []\n member this.MinBy(source: QuerySource<'T, 'Q>, valueSelector: 'T -> 'TValue) =\n source.Source.Min(fun x -> valueSelector x)\n \n []\n member this.MinByNullable(source: QuerySource<'T, 'Q>, valueSelector: 'T -> Nullable<'TValue>) =\n source.Source.Min(fun x -> valueSelector x)\n\n []\n member this.Nth(source: QuerySource<'T, 'Q>, index: int) =\n Seq.item index source.Source\n\n []\n member this.Quote(q: Expr<'T>) = q\n\n []\n member this.Run(q: Expr>) =\n (As> q).Source |> As> \n \n []\n member this.Select(source: QuerySource<'T, 'Q>, projection: 'T -> 'TResult) =\n source.Source |> Seq.map projection |> QuerySource<'TResult, 'Q>\n\n []\n member this.Skip(source: QuerySource<'T, 'Q>, count: int) =\n source.Source.Skip(count) |> QuerySource<'T, 'Q>\n\n []\n member this.SkipWhile(source: QuerySource<'T, 'Q>, predicate: 'T -> bool) =\n source.Source.SkipWhile(fun x -> predicate x) |> QuerySource<'T, 'Q>\n \n []\n member this.SortBy(source: QuerySource<'T, 'Q>, keySelector: 'T -> 'TKey) =\n source.Source.OrderBy(fun x -> keySelector x) |> QuerySource<'T, 'Q>\n\n []\n member this.SortByDescending(source: QuerySource<'T, 'Q>, keySelector: 'T -> 'TKey) =\n source.Source.OrderByDescending(fun x -> keySelector x) |> QuerySource<'T, 'Q>\n\n []\n member this.SortByNullable(source: QuerySource<'T, 'Q>, keySelector: 'T -> Nullable<'TKey>) =\n source.Source.OrderBy(fun x -> keySelector x) |> QuerySource<'T, 'Q>\n\n []\n member this.SortByNullableDescending(source: QuerySource<'T, 'Q>, keySelector: 'T -> Nullable<'TKey>) =\n source.Source.OrderByDescending(fun x -> keySelector x) |> QuerySource<'T, 'Q>\n\n []\n member this.Source(source: seq<'T>) = \n QuerySource<'T, System.Collections.IEnumerable>(source)\n\n []\n member this.Source(source: IQueryable<'T>) = \n QuerySource<'T, 'Q>(source)\n\n [] \n member inline this.SumBy(source: QuerySource<'T, 'Q>, projection: 'T -> ^TValue) =\n Seq.sumBy projection source.Source\n\n [] \n static member inline SumByNullableImpl(source: QuerySource<'T, 'Q>, projection: 'T -> Nullable<'TValue>) =\n let filtered =\n source.Source |> Seq.choose (fun x ->\n Option.ofNullable (projection x) \n ) |> Array.ofSeq\n Nullable(As<'TValue>(Array.sum (As filtered))) \n\n []\n member inline this.SumByNullable(source, projection) = QueryBuilderProxy.SumByNullableImpl(source, projection)\n\n []\n member this.Take(source: QuerySource<'T, 'Q>, count: int) =\n source.Source.Take(count) |> QuerySource<'T, 'Q>\n\n []\n member this.TakeWhile(source: QuerySource<'T, 'Q>, predicate: 'T -> bool) =\n source.Source.TakeWhile(fun x -> predicate x) |> QuerySource<'T, 'Q>\n \n static member CheckThenBySource(source: IEnumerable<'T>) =\n match source with\n | :? IOrderedEnumerable<'T> as e ->\n e\n | _ ->\n failwith \"'thenBy' and 'thenByDescending' may only be used with an ordered input\"\n\n []\n member this.ThenBy(source: QuerySource<'T, 'Q>, keySelector: 'T -> 'TKey) =\n QueryBuilderProxy.CheckThenBySource(source.Source).ThenBy(fun x -> keySelector x) |> QuerySource<'T, 'Q>\n\n []\n member this.ThenByDescending(source: QuerySource<'T, 'Q>, keySelector: 'T -> 'TKey) =\n QueryBuilderProxy.CheckThenBySource(source.Source).ThenByDescending(fun x -> keySelector x) |> QuerySource<'T, 'Q>\n\n []\n member this.ThenByNullable(source: QuerySource<'T, 'Q>, keySelector: 'T -> Nullable<'TKey>) =\n QueryBuilderProxy.CheckThenBySource(source.Source).ThenBy(fun x -> keySelector x) |> QuerySource<'T, 'Q>\n\n []\n member this.ThenByNullableDescending(source: QuerySource<'T, 'Q>, keySelector: 'T -> Nullable<'TKey>) =\n QueryBuilderProxy.CheckThenBySource(source.Source).ThenByDescending(fun x -> keySelector x) |> QuerySource<'T, 'Q>\n\n []\n member this.Where(source: QuerySource<'T, 'Q>, predicate: 'T -> bool) =\n source.Source.Where(fun x -> predicate x) |> QuerySource<'T, 'Q>\n\n []\n member this.Yield(value: 'T) =\n Seq.singleton value |> QuerySource<'T, 'Q>\n\n []\n member this.YieldFrom(computation: QuerySource<'T, 'Q>) =\n computation\n \n []\n member this.Zero() =\n Seq.empty |> QuerySource<'T, 'Q>\n\n[]\nmodule internal ExtraTopLevelOperatorsQueryProxy =\n \n []\n let query = query\n\n[]\nmodule internal HighPriorityProxy = \n \n []\n let RunQueryAsEnumerable (this: QueryBuilder) (q: Expr>) =\n (As> q).Source \n\n[]\nmodule internal LowPriorityProxy = \n \n []\n let RunQueryAsValue (this: QueryBuilder) (q: Expr<'T>) =\n As<'T> q\n"], "names": [], "mappings": 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